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Confidence in Reputation Management Challenges: Charting the Course

Written by Ryan Terrey
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First impressions have always been important, but this is even more the case now that the internet is such a huge part of how people make decisions. Today’s information seekers turn to Google for just about everything from recommendations on where to go to lunch to information on whether a new person or brand is worth their time.

If they don’t like what they see, your online reputation could ruin your first impression for you before you even have a chance to speak for yourself. That’s where online reputation management comes in — it’s the practice of using online resources to cultivate a positive, trustworthy impression of a person, brand, or company.

Is ORM Really That Important?

Consider for a moment how often you turn to the internet for insight on whether to make a certain decision. Maybe you’re trying to decide whether to hire someone who applied for a job at your company, buy from a specific brand, or possibly even go on a date with someone new.

If you’re like most people, SERP results that turn up negative or questionable information are all it takes to make you decide something (or someone) is a “no.” A lack of any online presence can be nearly as bad, as many people consider it a big red flag in a day and age when everyone is online.

ORM helps you make the opposite impression — a positive one that inspires interest, trust, and curiosity — by:

  •       Impacting decisions positively, making a “yes” more likely than a “no.”
  •       Reducing the impact of any bad reviews or negative press.
  •       Encouraging and reinforcing positive brand-customer relationships.
  •       Helping you safeguard the positive relationships you already have.
  •       Supplementing your ongoing search engine optimization strategy.

How Are ORM and SEO Connected?

Effective SEO strategies are an important part of any ongoing reputation management campaign. People pay the most attention by far to first-page search results, particularly those toward the top of the page, so it truly matters what those results happen to be.

When a person or brand doesn’t have a well-managed online presence, those key results could potentially be anything — including negative press coverage, bad reviews from unhappy customers, or even mug shots.

SEO helps brands and individuals maintain their control over top search results on names, brands, and important related keywords. Embracing SEO as part of an ongoing ORM campaign can help ensure your SERP results make the right impression.

What To Know About Maintaining a Positive Online Reputation

One bad search result can be all it takes to destroy an otherwise great reputation. Keep the following tips in mind to ensure your ORM efforts are protecting you the way they should be.

  •       Understand that negative press happens.
  •       Remember that even wonderful people and world-class brands can’t please everyone all the time.
  •       Keep in mind that reputational risk and potential damage simply come with the territory, so it’s important to plan for them. Ongoing brand-building efforts and robust reputation management are part of that.
  •       Know how to respond to negative feedback.

It’s always possible for a brand to turn a negative into a potential positive by responding the right way. A consumer trying to decide whether to buy from a brand won’t just read a negative review. They’ll also check to see whether a brand responded and made things right for that customer, giving you a second chance at making a good impression.

Regularly Audit Your Reputation

Before implementing a new reputation management strategy or making changes to an existing one, it’s important to determine where you currently stand by auditing your online presence. Check out what people are currently saying about you or your brand (positive or negative). Use what you see to figure out what’s working and what’s not.

Take Care of Your Online Presence

Some people assume no online reputation at all is better than one that could eventually attract negative feedback, but nothing could be further from the truth. A strong online presence legitimizes both people and brands, so it’s crucial to establish one and take care of it. If desired, you can even hire a professional ORM agency like Status Labs, for example, to help with the job.

In 2024 and beyond, your online presence is more than just a supplement to your offline life. It’s actually part of it, so it pays to look after it and ensure it’s making the right impression. The future of your professional life (and your personal one, too) might depend on it.

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