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Content Strategies for Social Media Success in 2024

Written by Ryan Terrey
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Did you know that 93% of marketers say social media has helped them reach more customers than any other channel? However, trends on social media change daily, and it can feel like you are trying to hit a moving target. 


To truly thrive, you need to do more than just keep up — you need to set the pace. Whether you understand your audience’s quirks, jump on viral video trends, or choose the perfect influencer to represent your brand, mastering these strategies will set you apart from the competition. 

Understand Your Audience

Your social media strategy should focus on your audience. Understanding who they are, what they like, and how they behave online will help you create content that truly resonates with them. 


Start by finding out your audience's age, gender, location, and occupation to get a basic idea of who they are. This will inspire you to find out more and personalize your content to make it super relatable.


Next, dig deeper into their interests and online behavior. Ask questions such as:


  • What type of content do they engage with most?
  • What are their hobbies?
  • Which social media platforms do they use?


Once you have the data, you can create your audience persona — a fictional character that represents different segments of your audience. These personas will help you tailor your stories and create content that meets the specific needs and interests of different groups.


Remember that this analysis should be detailed; it will take some time to get to the perfect buyer’s persona. Luckily, there are professional PPC agencies that specialize in this. For example, if you own a furniture store, you can work with a furniture paid media agency to analyze the audience and discover who your targets are. These could be young professionals interested in modern, minimalist design. By working with a furniture advertising agency, you can tap into their resources and rely on experts to do all the heavy lifting for you.

Embrace Authenticity and Transparency

Once you have your perfect persona and know what content they expect and interact with, it’s a good time to remind yourself to stay authentic and transparent in your social media marketing. New generations, such as Gen Z and younger, are very tech-savvy and can easily detect when brands are not genuine. They prefer authenticity, even if it means showing occasional flaws and bloopers.


Authenticity helps build a strong, loyal community that feels personally connected to your brand. When you are real and honest, people are more likely to trust you, which can lead to increased engagement and long-term customer loyalty. To gain deeper insights into customer sentiment and preferences, consider using AI survey tools. These tools can help you gather and analyze customer feedback more efficiently, allowing you to tailor your brand messaging and offerings to meet their needs more effectively.


Here are a few creative ideas to boost your transparency and authenticity:


  • Share behind-the-scenes content
  • Show how products are made 
  • Encourage user-generated content
  • Rely on honest storytelling with challenges 


A great example of embracing authenticity and transparency is Glossier, a popular skincare brand with a $1.8 billion beauty empire. Instead of solely relying on flashy ads, their team decided to focus on sharing real stories with their customers. They would post genuine reviews, photos, and videos of customers using their products, which would help buyers see the results from people just like them.

Prioritize Short-Form Video Content

As the average user's attention span gets shorter, it’s a good idea to use this trend and make the most of short-form videos to grab their attention. Short videos are very popular on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. They are efficient, capture users' attention right away, and boost engagement.


To maximize the effectiveness of your short videos, you need to be familiar with popular terms, hashtags, and keywords that people use in descriptions. To create the perfect hashtag, you can brainstorm ideas, look into what other brands use, or rely on hashtag generators for YouTube shorts. A free YouTube hashtag generator tool is a good way to save some time and come up with the most relevant hashtags that enhance your video’s visibility and reach. 


The key to these short videos is to deliver a compelling message within the first few seconds. You can follow popular trends or participate in challenges that align with your brand. Brands like Red Bull and Chipotle have successfully used short-form videos and well-researched hashtags to connect with their audience and drive engagement. For example, Chipotle's #ChipotleLidFlip challenge on TikTok generated 276 million views and over 110,000 video submissions in just the first week, clearly showing the potential of creative and interactive content.


Source: RivalIQ, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Socialinsider

Optimize Content for Social Search

In 2024, social search is more important as people will use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to find information, products, and services. Unlike traditional search engines (Google), social search focuses on finding content on social media platforms. This means you need to optimize your posts to be visible.


To optimize your social media content for search, start by finding and using relevant keywords and hashtags that align with what your audience is looking for. A keyword ranking tool can help you monitor trending terms and understand which keywords perform well in your niche. You can pull this kind of data directly from a keyword tracking API, integrate these insights into your own internal tools, and create data-driven content.


Additionally, create content that answers common questions and provides value. For example, the home decor brand IKEA found popular search terms related to interior design and answered frequently asked questions about styling small spaces. This helped them increase featured item sales by over 25% and connect with a broader audience actively searching for home decor inspiration.

Use Influencer Collaborations Strategically

The role of influencers in social media marketing is evolving; many brands now rely on micro and nano influencers to reach their audiences. To make the most of these collaborations, it’s important to choose influencers who align with your brand values and resonate with your audience. 


Start by researching potential influencers, their engagement rates, and follower demographics to ensure a good fit.


Once you have the right partners in mind, it’s important to set up a smooth collaboration process. For example, if you are running campaigns on Facebook, you might add a user to your Facebook ad account to make it easier for the influencer to track and adjust campaigns on the go. Simple admin access to the Facebook ad account will make the workflow smoother and significantly speed up the process, allowing you and the influencer to focus more on creative strategies. 

Final Thoughts

On social media platforms, staying static is the fastest way to get left behind. So, all the successful brands are focused more on setting new trends than following the existing ones. 

Whether you're crafting content that speaks directly to your audience’s heart, hopping on viral moments with clever short videos, or building trust through authentic connections, the secret is in being bold, adaptable, and always a step ahead.


Social media success isn’t about playing it safe; it’s about daring to lead the conversation and turning engagement into lasting impact. So, are you ready to make waves in 2024?

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