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Smart Solutions for Growing Your Business in a Competitive Market

Written by Ryan Terrey
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Business growth is something every business desires. But the market out there isn't for the faint of heart. There are many others who offer the same product and service as you do, and they're hell-bent on getting the same customers you're aiming for.


To make your mark, you've got to put in place some solutions that'll move that needle. If you don't know where to aim your arrows, you've come to the right guide to growing your business. Here are some of the smart solutions you can put into play to get your business over the line in a competitive market.

Focus on Data-Driven Decision-Making

Data, while powerful, isn't getting maximum attention. As a matter of fact, 87% of marketers admit that it's the most underutilized asset among businesses. [1]


Getting your data game right will help you know what’s working in your business and what’s not. To get started, you can use tools like Excel, Google Sheets, or specialized platforms to track daily, weekly, and monthly sales.


You can also monitor customer behavior using tools like Google Analytics or social media insights. These can show you which products your customers love and when they’re most likely to buy.

Use Tech for Business Growth

Time is money, right? That’s why using the right tools and systems can make a huge difference. Automating your operations and keeping everything running smoothly frees you to focus on growing your business.


Bring in the essentials:


  • Enterprise tools: Manage large-scale operations efficiently
  • Advanced cybersecurity: Protect customer data with tools that detect threats early and keep your business secure
  • Cloud and IT infrastructure: Keep systems accessible, scalable, and reliable from anywhere


For your business to grow properly, all these tools must run smoothly. To ensure that, involve experts who truly understand leveraging technology for business growth.


These pros can help you keep your systems optimized, so you focus on clients instead of going up and down trying to fix what's out of whack. They can also show you the right places to bring in the right tech for the best odds of growth.

Develop a Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

A strong UVP tells people why they should choose your product over the competitor's. To develop one of your own, you've got to ask yourself, "What problem do I solve?" What do you do better than your competitors? Sum it up in one clear sentence.


If you run a local café, maybe your UVP is, “Serving hand-roasted coffee with beans sourced directly from Kenyan farmers.” This sets you apart from large chains offering generic blends.


Pro tip: Make your UVP clear on every touchpoint—your website, business cards, and social media profiles. That way, no one will miss the unique reason to buy from you.

Leverage Digital Marketing and SEO

If customers can’t find you online, you’re leaving money on the table. After all, about 68% of all online experiences have search engine at the heart. That said, having a solid digital marketing strategy can ensure your business gets noticed in the right places. [2]


If you have a physical location, get listed on Google My Business (GMB) to appear in local search results. Customers have a 70% chance of visiting a business and a whopping 50% likelihood of buying from it if it has a complete GMB profile. The best part? This platform is free. [3]


It would be best if you also used keyword tools to help you find keywords your customers are searching for and sprinkle them naturally on your site pages. On top of that, writing blog posts about your area of expertise with the right keywords can boost your visibility on Google searches.

Cultivate Customer Loyalty and Community

It’s always easier (and cheaper) to retain a customer than to get a new one. But loyal customers don’t just happen. They need nurturing. To build loyalty and community:


  • Launch loyalty programs and offer points or discounts for repeat purchases.
  • Respond to comments and messages promptly on social media. It makes customers feel valued.
  • Host events or webinars, especially if your business is niche, like fitness or art.


Ask for feedback regularly. A simple “How did we do?” survey not only improves your service but shows that you care about their experience.

Expand Revenue Streams


Sticking to one product or service can limit your growth. But when you expand your revenue streams, you spread the risk and open your business up to new opportunities.


Some of the ways to diversify your revenue include:


  • Introducing subscriptions: If you offer consumables, like coffee, a subscription service can create steady income.
  • Selling add-ons or bundles: Combine products at a discounted rate to encourage bigger purchases.
  • Exploring partnerships: Team up with other businesses to offer complementary services.


Say you own a gym. Besides regular memberships, you could sell fitness equipment, branded water bottles, or create a paid online class series. Partnering with a nutritionist for meal plans adds even more value for your customers.


Pro tip: Pay attention to customer needs. Sometimes, a revenue opportunity hides in what your customers are already asking for.

Stay Agile with Lean Business Models

Agility can help you respond to change before it’s too late. Whether the economy shifts or customer preferences change, agile businesses pivot fast, thanks to the ability to make quick decisions without the baggage of unnecessary processes.


Regularly review operations and cut anything that’s not adding value. Launch new ideas on a small scale. Gather feedback quickly and adjust where needed. You've also got to minimize waste—whether it’s time, money, or inventory.


Say you run an online store selling handmade crafts. You decide to test a new product—a line of scented candles. Instead of going all in, you produce a small batch, collect feedback from early customers, and tweak the design based on their input. This way, you avoid the risk of overproducing and can quickly adapt if the market shifts.

Closing Thoughts

Growing your business might not be as easy as pie, but it's something that's totally possible when approached correctly. This guide has given you a few of these solutions to explore. Keep them in mind. Where you're out of depth, involve the pros who've been there and done that. Their input can make a world of difference and get your name out of the crowd and into customers' sights.




1. "10 Informative Marketing Analytics Statistics to Know", Source:

2. "3 Key SEO Tips From This Founder Who Used Search Engine Optimization To Grow A 7-Figure Community", Source:

3. "Complete your Business Profile on Google", Source:

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