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Top Goal-Setting Strategies for Entrepreneurs

Written by Ryan Terrey
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How many of us have had a great idea and wanted to mould it into something wonderful? We have this brilliant concept to create the next big thing that we’re certain will change the world and bring us personal success. 


However, many of us struggle with taking that first step. It’s tempting to think too far ahead to a wonderful future, but it’s vital to ground ourselves and build the right foundations for our business because success takes so much more than simply having a great idea. 


In this article, we’ll discuss some of the best ways to set goals and explain how having a clear aim can help. Let’s take a look at how you can set your next entrepreneurial venture up for success. 

Write down your plans

The first step to success is to come up with plans and set them down in writing. When doing this, having a 2025 personal planner can be tremendously helpful. By using a physical planner, you can write down reminders of business meetings, tasks that need to be accomplished and people you need to reach out to. 


A physical planner also allows you to separate business tasks from personal tasks in order to create a neat barrier between work and life. Writing down your plans by hand helps you internalise them and can be a great motivator when it comes to actually carrying them out in practice. 


A planner can also keep you accountable and remind you of important milestones in your entrepreneurial journey. 

Formulate S.M.A.R.T. goals

When running a business, goal-setting is essential. When mapping a strategy for your business, it always helps to be S.M.A.R.T. about your goals. To achieve this, your business goals should be: 



Be as clear as possible about business objectives. Clearly lay out the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ of each goal. Being as detailed as possible gives you a clear pathway to achieving your goals. 


Being specific with your goals also helps those working for you understand what they need to accomplish. Always remember to communicate your objectives to all relevant parties. 


To achieve a goal, it’s essential to have a standard by which to measure success. To do so, you should create clear targets and establish a way of tracking your progress. For instance, you might want to sell to 10,000 customers in the next three months. Use this number as your target and make sure everyone is pulling together to reach it. 


When setting goals, make sure that they’re realistic and attainable. Putting goals that are too lofty might discourage you and those working with you from even trying. 


When setting attainable goals, it can help to break a large objective into smaller tasks. These tasks can then be divided among different members of the company. Breaking a goal into sub-tasks also makes it easier to see the finish line. 


When setting goals, make sure that achieving them will bring value to your business. For instance, fulfilling an objective might boost your revenue or build brand awareness among your target market. 


Part of creating achievable objectives is setting out a specific timeframe in which they need to be completed. Don’t just set up goals without placing a time limit on them, as this creates the risk of your team putting them off. 

Divide and conquer

Nobody can do everything on their own. To run a successful business, it’s vital to know how to divide goals into smaller, more digestible tasks, and delegate these to different members of your team. This involves making detailed briefs and setting deadlines for your staff to help set expectations. 


When delegating tasks, it’s vital to know your priorities. Not all tasks are equally important, and you need to know how best to use the limited time available to you and your team. Focus on the most pressing tasks, and you’ll be on your way to building a business that runs like a well-oiled machine. 

Review and revise

When making plans for your business, it’s always a good idea to revise your goals and tasks on a regular basis. Being able to review what you’ve done so far and make changes is a vital leadership skill any aspiring entrepreneur needs to foster. 


Often, this involves conducting performance reviews. These shouldn’t be used as opportunities to intimidate your employees. Setting up regular, constructive meetings with members of your team can help you communicate the company’s shifting needs, and ask them for feedback from their end. 

Consider financial feasibility

Among the most important things to consider when setting business goals is their financial feasibility. It’s easy to set lofty goals, but they’ll be for nothing if you can’t afford them.


To set financially feasible goals, it’s vital to understand how much money you have currently, and how much you expect to receive in the future through revenue and outside investment. For instance, if you’ve set an objective to open two stores every year, make sure you have enough projected cash to afford rent, employee wages and utility bills. 


If you’re looking to set goals that can move your business forward, make sure they’re financially feasible. 


Running a business can both be stressful and exciting. A time-honoured way to make entrepreneurship easier on yourself is to set realistic goals. In this article, we’ve gone through some ways to do just that. 


Apply the strategies we’ve gone over in this article to your own business practices today to set effective goals. 

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