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Melbourne Elevate Boardroom

With an Entourage Growth Advisor leading the way, you’ll dive deeper into the key challenges and glass ceiling that all 7 and 8 figure business face, and work together to develop a personalise plan to shortcut the challenges that get in the way of so many who want to build a scalable 7, 8 and even 9-figure asset can run without you.

Your Melbourne Elevate Boardroom

This Boardroom is hosted by Stev Lackovic and Andrew Morello. Together, you'll develop your growth roadmap, and uncover real-world business lessons so you can shortcut the blood, sweat and tears that other business owners will inevitably face.

Stev and Andrew specialise in helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses from 6 figures to 7 and 7 figures and beyond. You will learn how to grow and systemise your business so it can run without you.

Spots are extremely limited to the Boardroom, and they will run out.

Event Details

  • Date: Tuesday 20 April 2021
  • Time: 10:00AM-2:00PM
  • Location: Quest Flemington
  • Cost: Free


Slingshot your growth

You will learn exactly what you need to do now to slingshot your business into the next stage of growth. You'll identify the stage you're currently at, and the key growth enablers to catapult you to the next level.

Systemise Your Business

You'll learn what you need to know in order to transition from working in the business to working on it. Plus, discover the critical mistakes to avoid so you don't put the breaks on the growth of your business.

Develop your plan for 2021

You'll create a clear plan of what you need to focus on for the remainder of 2021. You'll learn the 6 pillars of success every multi-million dollar business has mastered. And you'll get crystal clear on how to connect the dots between your dream business and the steps you need to take to get there.



Stev Lackovic


Andrew Morello


Stev Lackovic

Head of Entrepreneurial Development at The Entourage

Stev has been instrumental in building The Entourage Elevate community of 7 and 8 figure business owners, with over $525 million in annual revenue enabling them to build the fastest growing companies in the Australia and overseas.

Throughout his career Stev has driven and enabled the growth of small to medium sized businesses ranging from $0 - $75m in annual revenue.


Andrew Morello

Head of Business Development at The Entourage

Andrew Morello is an awarded entrepreneur, investor, author, and the winner of the first Australian Apprentice. Prior to becoming Head of Business Development at The Entourage, Australia’s largest training institution for entrepreneurs and business owners, Morello spent 10 years alongside Mark Bouris AM building out the Yellow Brick Road Wealth Management branch network nationally.

He has personally built an impressive property portfolio, and also led numerous community projects across Australia and internationally, including as a Founding Board Member of Project Gen Z, a social enterprise which runs entrepreneur and development programs for disadvantaged children.

In recent years, Morello has summited Mount Kinabalu in Borneo and completed the Kokoda Trail to raise money for Seed Foundation, which supports indigenous health programs in remote communities.

Book Your Melbourne Elevate Boardroom