Get your hands on the playbooks of Australia’s leading and most remarkable entrepreneurs who overcame every obstacle imaginable to build their multi-million dollar companies. This is your opportunity to learn a fundamental truth: hard times create better businesses, and being an entrepreneur means not accepting the reality everyone else subscribes to. On the other side of this journey, you won’t be molded by the world around you. Instead, you’ll learn to shape it and become comfortable insisting on the impossible.

Unlock your next stage of growth by understanding how to build a well-rounded business and become a well-rounded business owner, from a group of entrepreneurs who are at the top of their game and know how to chart the best course of action. You’ll access frameworks for growth which will accelerate your decision-making, shave years of struggle off your learning curve, and walk away empowered to move your business forward faster, even in the most challenging times. Unconvention will be a catalyst for unparalleled levels of personal and business growth for you.

Learn the core lesson of navigating difficult times: never waste a crisis. This is your opportunity to refocus, re-energise and re-align with yourself, your vision and your business because, no matter how bad things may seem or get, there will always be a play. With the right strategies and frameworks, you’ll develop the confidence and capability to make the right moves, even when it may seem that there are none. These are invaluable lessons that you won’t learn anywhere else, and that you can apply immediately to your business.


Jack Delosa
Entrepreneur, investor and founder of The Entourage, Australia's largest business coaching and training provider that's helped their Members generate $2 billion
Jack Delosa builds businesses. He is the Founder of The Entourage, which has a community of nearly 1,000,000 entrepreneurs and small business owners. Since 2010, The Entourage has added $2 billion in value to their Members' businesses. Under Jack's leadership, The Entourage was awarded the 4th Best Place To Work in Australia, and the Top 50 in Australasia, by Best Places To Work.
He is also a 3X best-selling author, 5X AFR Young Rich List Member, and high profile investor in high-growth companies. Jack has contributed to the development of the curriculum for The Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship in Johannesburg, South Africa, and is regularly called upon by the media as a spokesperson for entrepreneurship.

Turia Pitt
The 3X best-selling author, mindset coach of over 40,000 people and Ironwoman who has gone on to thrive in the ultimate story of triumph over adversity
Turia Pitt is one of Australia’s most admired and widely recognised people.
At 24, Turia was an ex-model, fitness junkie and successful mining engineer whose life was turned upside down when she became trapped in a grass fire while competing in a 100km ultramarathon. She suffered full thickness burns to 65% of her body, lost seven fingers, endured six gruelling months in hospital, underwent over 200 operations and spent two years in recovery.
Surviving against overwhelming odds, Turia rebuilt her life and defied every expectation placed on her. She is living proof that, with the right mindset, we truly can achieve anything.

Simon Griffiths
The social entrepreneur whose business donated $11 million+ to fight a global issue affecting 2 billion people
Simon is an engineer and economist turned social
entrepreneur. In 2007, after turning down his dream job offer, he moved from Australia to South Africa to immerse himself in his true passion: development aid. There he discovered that the biggest problem faced by NGOs and social
entrepreneurs is a lack of funding.
Driven by a passion to use business to give back, in 2010, Simon had the idea to start a toilet paper company that builds toilets in the developing world.
In 2012, he launched Who Gives A Crap with a viral
crowdfunding campaign. Since then, Who Gives A Crap has doubled or tripled in size almost every year, primarily relying on word-of-mouth to fuel its growth. Who Gives A Crap is now one of the largest toilet paper companies in Australia.
Simon is here to tell us more about this story.

Michelle Bridges
The brains and brawn behind Australia's fitness empire that's helped Australians lose over 1.7 million kilograms
Michelle Bridges has 30 years of experience of being on stage. She started as a Personal Trainer at the age of 16 and soon became part of the elite Les Mills global team who trained the best trainers around the world.
Michelle’s on air career in TV began on Kerri-Anne 15 years ago, and she immediately showed she is a natural entertainer who is most comfortable when in front of an audience.
When she isn’t filming Michelle tours Australia talking to corporations, schools and audiences inspiring people to get their lives back through healthy eating and regular exercise. Her style is entertaining, cheeky but non-negotiable and she is in heavy demand for public speaking and MC events.
Michelle is regularly featured on TV shows including The 7PM Project, The Circle, Sunrise, Ready Steady Cook, and made the final four in Celebrity Masterchef. She has a regular column in Fairfax's Sunday Life Magazine and Life & Style, and is contributor to Women's Health Magazine. She is an ambassador for Life Education and their alcohol free month initiative, Ocsober, and for ACON, the Aids Council of New South Wales.

Peter Alexander
Australia's resident "Pyjama King" behind the $350 million retail empire
Peter Alexander is a true entrepreneur and at age 24, he decided it was time to be his own boss. When his female friends
were unable to find comfortable women's pyjamas that weren't matronly styles, he decided to get into the pyjama game.
Working from his Mother's dining room table Peter began making women's pyjamas selling to department stores. When the phone rang, to make the business seem bigger Peter and his Mum would pretend to be someone else!
When a department store cancelled an order for 2000 pairs of pyjamas, Peter turned his biggest set back into an opportunity. He then put a mail order advertisement in a
popular women's magazine and the response was overwhelming. Peter was flooded with 6000 orders from one ad and since then he hasn't looked back!



You're an established business owner doing 6, 7 and 8-figures in annualised revenue who is breakthrough your roadblocks and elevate yourself and your business to the next level.

You've spent the last few years running faster, working harder and doing more than you ever have before. You can't afford to take your hands off the wheel, but you know what got you here is not going to get you to where you want to be.

Your business is growing, but that’s bringing its own sets of challenges. You’re struggling to stay on top of your game, and you want to underpin your growth with structure so you can scale smoother.

You're paralysed by the belief that everything is happening to you and your business. You truly believe that the current situation is unsalvageable, and that how your business will grow is ultimately out of your control.

The growth of your business is unsustainable and unpredictable. You're stuck in the cycle of believing that if you just worked harder, your business will break through to the next level. But working harder is preventing you from elevating to the next level.

You don't have anyone to turn to who can identify with your situation and show you the route to a better, more structured version of your business. You're going on the journey alone and constantly wrestling with the stresses that come with it.


Had a great day learning at Unconvention. Some really standout concepts to supercharge my journey. Highly recommend Jack's energy and the speakers.

Incredible learnings, inspiration and golden nuggets received at the Unconvention event. Made many pages of notes of actionable things I can do. Professional and super enjoyable! Thanks team!.

The Unconvention was worth my time. I learned today that when you head into work, we should focus on making other people's day, and vice versa. Things can get better in the future.

I am so glad I have signed up and joined the Entrepreneurs' Unconvention. I learned alot and everyone who would like to start and grow their own business need to join this movement!

Had an absolutely brilliant day with The Unconvention by the Entourage. Well worth the time taking the day out for the great group of speakers. Do yourself a favour and get involved in the next day.

Fantastic UnConvention, every entrepreneur should attend this session, it will change your whole perpsective.

Who is this event for?
The Entrepreneurs' Unconvention is for 6, 7 & and 8-figure business owners who want to expand their mindset, break through their roadblocks, and learn directly from Australia's leading entrepreneurs who have successfully walked the unconventional path that lies ahead.
If you:
- Have already achieved a certain level of success in business, but feel with more personal alignment and congruence you could take everything to the next level
- Or you are already a great entrepreneur and leader, but need to gain better strategies and tools to bring fulfilment, joy and impact into your every day...
... then The Entrepreneurs' Unconvention is for you.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn from some of Australia's most in-demand entrepreneurs and business advisors, including Jack Delosa, Michelle Bridges, Simon Griffiths and Turia Pitt, who owe of their success to the strategies, frameworks and principles they will share with you on the day. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to uncover real-world strategies for growth from real-world entrepreneurs.
My business is earning less than 6 figures, is this for me?
The Entrepreneurs' Unconvention has been designed to help established business owners discover the unconventional path to grow in any economy.
The presentations, strategies and case studies that will be shared on the day are relevant to and suitable for business owners doing 6, 7 and 8 figures in annualised revenue. If your business is doing less than 6 figures, you might get something out of the day, but we can't guarantee that everything will be relevant to the stage you're currently at.
I'm not a business owner, can I still attend The Entrepreneurs' Unconvention?
The Entrepreneurs' Unconvention has been designed to help established business owners discover the unconventional path to grow in any economy.
The presentations, strategies and case studies that will be shared on the day are relevant to and suitable for business owners doing 6, 7 and 8 figures in annualised revenue. If you do not yet have a business, the content of the day will not be relevant to you.
I'm really busy at the moment and not sure I can take a full day away from my business to attend, what should I do?
Your business will never outpace your own growth. Particularly at the 6, 7 and 8-figure level, if you’re still the one “doing everything,” stuck in the day-to-day with your hands on the tools, then that habitual behaviour will only ever hinder the growth of your business. At this stage, “doing more” isn’t the answer for you. It’s not sustainable.
At The Entrepreneurs' Unconvention, you will unlock your next stage of growth by discovering how to build a well-rounded business and become a well-rounded business owner. Make the time to come to The Entrepreneurs' Unconvention and be fully present throughout the day, and we guarantee you will walk away with actionable steps on what you need to do to ascend yourself and your business to the next level, regardless of whatever challenge you find yourself facing.
I've attended different business conferences, events and seminars in the past, what makes this different?
Two things.
Firstly, this isn’t just "another business conference." The Entrepreneurs' Unconvention is a truly unique event, and the home stage for entrepreneurship, personal development and leadership in Australia. Where else can you gain access to the unconventional business and leadership strategies that have catapulted entrepreneurs to 8-figures and beyond?
Secondly, there is no other event in Australia that connects a group of entrepreneurs who are at the top of their game, and who know how to chart the best course of action - not in theory, but in practice. The event and program has been built and refined for over a decade, with entrepreneurs who have used these exact strategies to find incredible success. As a result, The Entrepreneurs' Unconvention is a unique catalyst for unparalleled levels of personal and business growth - we know the day will offer you the same spark that propels you and your business forward.