The Make It Happen Show

How To Grow Your Small Business In 2022 with Michael Haynes

Written by Ryan Terrey | November 17, 2021

Identify your growth opportunities with these 3 key areas

How prepared are you for 2022? Did you know there are only 6 weeks to go until the new year, and that's not even counting the Christmas break? Don't worry though - we've got you covered. If you haven't had the chance to even think about what you want to focus on next year to scale and grow your business, this episode of The Make It Happen Show will guide you on exactly how to do this.

Led by B2B customer acquisition and retention consultant and one of our Vision Partners at The Entourage, Michael Haynes, the Founder of Listen Innovate Grow, covers the 3 key areas that you as the business owner need to look at to identify the right opportunities that will bring your business the most growth next year. If you want the confidence to make the right decisions and actions for the coming year, don't miss this episode.